Zion National Park: Day One

Since we knew our second day at Zion would be spent hiking the Narrows, we spent our first day exploring everything else the park has to offer. To explore any of the park inside the scenic drive route, you now need a ticket for the shuttle in advance. They go ridiculously fast so make sure to get yours as soon as they go on sale if you're planning a trip!

We got up early and took the shuttle all the way to the end at stop 9 which is the stop for the Narrows. We walked a little way down the path and saw a few deer before taking the shuttle down to the lodge, stopping along the way at the other stops. At the lodge we ate our packed lunch before doing a hike to the lower waterfall.

After taking the shuttle back to the visitors center we walked back to our campsite with our collected gear from Zion Adventures for the Narrows hike.

For dinner we decided to try a local thai restaurant and to say it was disastrous would be an understatement. The food took forever, it was cold when it arrived and they hadn't even gotten our order correct! Needless to say southern Utah is not the place for good Thai food.


Zion National Park: Day Two, Narrows Hikes


Bryce Canyon National Park