We aim to post a new video every other week, in a vlog style mixed in with the occasional documentary or cinematic style drone video. These are our main focus as we love getting to share this beautiful world so be sure to subscribe to see where we are and where we’re headed.

Follow us on YouTube.


Sign up for our monthly round-up newsletter that contains some of the things that don’t make it into the vlogs. It’ll also be sprinkled with the occassional credit card tips and tricks so if you’ve been wanting to get into the points and miles game be sure to subscribe and keep an eye on your inbox.

Subscribe to our newsletter here.



If you follow our Instagram you’ll see in almost real time where we are and what we’re up to. Mostly you’ll want to check the Story but we’ll throw in the occasional reel and main feed post.

Follow us on Instagram.


Mostly we just cross-post our Instagram posts to Facebook but occasionally you might see us check-in somewhere if the food is good.

Follow us on Facebook.